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LCCC將於3月7日10:45am-11:45am 恢復主日中文講道部分的實體聚會,同時在教會網站提供直播,並與同日3:00pm上傳視頻,以便遇到直播故障的人敬拜使用。為減少病毒傳播的可能,請參加實體聚會的人佩戴口罩,盡量不使用廁所,聚會後儘快回家。為避免多人在小房間中聚集,禱告會、兒童主日學、成人主日學、英文堂聚會仍然線上進行,時間不變。


親愛的弟兄姐妹,禱告會和主日學改成使用Google Meet。請按下面的鏈接下載或進入Google Meet。

Dear Brothers and sisters, our adults Sunday today will use Google Meet, due to the problems with Zoom occurred nationwide this morning. Please click the link below to download Google Meet. 

Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully, we will see you later today. 

Join with Google Meet:


鑒於密西根州長已關閉所有學校,LCCC 長老團並執事會決定將所有聚會崇拜改成線上直播。主日禱告會9:30am,主日10:45am。成人主日學1:00pm。直播的鏈接在教會網站主頁上。願主的聖靈充滿我們,賜我們在此瘟疫中有出人意外的平安。

LCCC English Worship:

Our English worship service provided by Riverview Church has been moved to online streaming, the link is here:  Worship starts at 10 am. May the Spirit of the Lord fill our hearts and give us peace. 



隨著新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)的升級,LCCC 長老團並執事會正在密切監視其發展,並致力於使兄弟姊妹保持盡可能健康。我們每一次聚會都是憑著信心,並尋求上帝的憐憫和保護。請在我們的網站上查看此指南,因為它可能會隨著COVID-19的持續發展以及密西根地區當局法規而更新。


目前,我們將繼續在LCCC 進行常規活動,包括主日崇拜,成人和兒童主日學,各小組團契等等。同時,如果您符合以下任何條件,請避免參加任何教會活動(請改在線上聚會):

- 您在過去7天中有任何類似流感的症狀,例如發燒,咳嗽,嘔吐或呼吸急促

- 在過去7天內,您一直與患有流感樣症狀的人有密切聯繫與接觸。

- 您在過去14天內旅行至某個有確診病例的地區/場合,而且懷疑自己在外可能已經接觸到病毒。

- 您或您家庭中的其他人在過去14天內往返於中國,意大利,伊朗,韓國或任何其他標記











- 為了加強預防COVID-19的傳播,我們已經暫停每個月第三個主日的午餐(愛宴),直至另行通知。

- 週間的小組團契可以根據具體情況,自行決定聚會的形式(在家聚會,在教堂,或線上聚會)。

- 主日崇拜和成人主日學增設線上直播。












With the growing number of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the United States, the LCCC elders team and deacon board are closely monitoring the developing situation and are committed to keeping brothers and sisters as healthy as possible. We understand that these are sensitive times, but we seek to live by faith and ask for God’s protection of His people. Please review this guidance at our website, as it may be updated pending ongoing development of COVID-19 and further guidance from local regulations and authorities.

Reduce risk

Currently, we will continue to have regular activities at LCCC including Sunday worship,

Adults and Children Sunday school, other small groups and fellowships, etc. At the

same time, we ask you to avoid attending any church activity (Please watch the online

live streaming instead) if you have any of these conditions:

- You have had any flu-like symptoms in the past 7 days such as fever, cough, vomiting,

or shortness of breath.

- You have been in close contact with someone with flu-like symptoms in the past 7 days.

- You have traveled from an area in the past 14 days with confirmed cases and suspect
   you may have been exposed.

- You or others in your household have traveled to or from China, Italy, Iran, or South

Korea or any other country flagged as level 2 or level 3 alerts in the past 14 days.

Church activities and Worship etiquette

Greet each other with a smile and avoid shaking hands or hugging.

Keep good hygiene and frequently wash hands with soap and warm water for 20


In case of a cough or sneeze, use a tissue to cover up mouth if possible or on to the

elbow if tissue is not available.

Avoid touching your face to prevent contact.

Holy Communion will be served in a pre-packaged kit with bread and cup together.

We will make all efforts to supply hand sanitizers at various locations in our church to

encourage frequent usage.

Impacted activities

Due to the heightened measures of prevention of COVID-19, we have temporarily

suspended the monthly church lunch until further notice.

Small group activities can continue in the format they decide (e.g. – at church or in

homes as normal or online or other)

We will provide live streaming for Sunday Worship and adult Sunday school.



Pray for the many medical professionals, public safety professionals, educators,

missionaries, and others who are affected.

Pray for the Lord’s protection from illness among our people.

Pray for gospel opportunities to come from this outbreak.

Pray for wisdom regarding ministry impact in the event of local COVID-19 cases.

Thank you for helping us to keep Lansing Chinese Christian Church a safe place to

learn and serve together in Christ.

Additional references:

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